

Twitter APIstandard v1.1のAPIを実行しようとすると発生するエラーメッセージTwitter APIのElevated accessを申請が必要。


  errors: [
      message: 'You currently have Essential access which includes access to Twitter API v2 endpoints only. If you need access to this endpoint, you’ll need to apply for Elevated access via the Developer Portal. You can learn more here: https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/twitter-api/getting-started/about-twitter-api#v2-access-leve',
      code: 453

TwitterのDeveloper Portalのプロジェクトページで、「Do you need Elevated access for your Project?」右横の「Apply」ボタンを押す。

「How will you use the Twitter API or Twitter Data?」ページでAPIの利用用途を書く

In your words

I will do:

  • Tweet the website's update and PV achievement automatically as my Twitter account with POST statuses/update.
  • Analyze the words weight on Twitter for writing the website's post with Search Tweets.

Are you planning to analyze Twitter data? → Yes
Please describe how you will analyze Twitter data including any analysis of Tweets or Twitter users.

I will analyze the words weight on Twitter for writing the website's post with Search Tweets by calculate how many tweet include the words in recently.

Will your App use Tweet, Retweet, Like, Follow, or Direct Message functionality? → Yes
Please describe your planned use of these features.

I will tweet the website's update and PV achievement automatically as my Twitter account with POST statuses/update.

Do you plan to display Tweets or aggregate data about Twitter content outside Twitter? → No

Will your product, service, or analysis make Twitter content or derived information available to a government entity? → No


ページ移動し、「You now have Elevated access!」と右上にポップアップが表示される。特に審査とかは無いようだ。