2021/12/31 11:00:00
Joint Effects Working Group
Joint Effects Working Group
BDA | Battle Damage Assessment/Bomb Damage Assessment |
C2 | Command & Control |
C3 | Command, Control & Communications |
CC | Critical Capabilities |
CCIR | Commander's Critical Information Requirements |
CCRP | Command and Control Research Program |
CFACC | Combined Forces Air Component Command |
CFLCC | Combined Forces Land Component Command |
CIE | Collaborative Information Environment |
CJTF-180 | Combined Joint Task Force-180 |
CMO | Civil-Military Operations |
COA | Course of Action |
COE | Contemporary Operating Environment |
COG | Center of Gravity |
COP | Common Operating Picture |
CR | Critical Requirements |
CV | Critical Vulnerabilities |
D3A | Decide, Detect, Deliver, Assess |
DCTS | Defense Collaboration Toole Suite |
DEB | Daily Effects Board |
DIME | Diplomatic, Informational, Military, Economic |
DOD | Department of Defense |
EBA | Effects-based Approach |
EBO | Effects-based Operations |
EBP | Effects-based Planning |
EBT | Effects-based Targeting |
ECC | Effects Coordination Center |
ETO | Effects Tasking Order |
FRAGO | Fragmentary Order |
HPT | High Payoff Target |
HPTL | High Payoff Target List |
HVT | High Value Target |
HVTL | High Value Target List |
IDA | Institute for Defense Analyses |
IO | Information Operations |
ISR | Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance |
JEWG | Joint Effects Working Group |
JIACG | Joint Interagency Coordination Group |
JIPB | Joint Intelligence Preparation of the Battlespace |
JOA | Joint Operations Area |
JWAC | Joint Warfighting Analysis Center |
JWFC | Joint Warfighting Center |
MCC | Maritime Component Commander |
MN3 | Multinational Experiment 3 |
MOE | Mesures of Effectiveness |
MOP | Measures of Performance |
MSC | Major Subordinate Command |
nKPA | North Korean People’s Army |
OEF | Operation Enduring Freedom |
OIF | Operation Iraqi Freedom |
ONA | Operational Net Assessment |
OODA | Observe, Orient, Decide, Act Loop |
OSC | Operational Strategic Command |
PA | Public Affairs |
PMESII | Plitical, Military, Economic, Social, Infrastructure, Information |
RDO | Rapid Decisive Operations |
SAM | Surface to Air Missile |
SJFHQ | Standing Joint Force Headquarters |
SOC | Sector Operations Centers |
SOF | Special Operating Forces |
SoSA | System of Systems Analysis |
SPOD | Sea Points of Debarkation |
TPFDD | Time-Phased Force and Deployment |
TSCP | Theater Security Cooperation Plan |
UAV | Unmanned Aerial Vehicle |
USCENTCOM | United States Joint Forces Command |
USSOCOM | United States Special Operations Command |