


2021/12/31 11:07:00

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

『EFFECTS-BASED OPERATIONS: ENHANCING OPERATIONAL ART & DESIGN IN THE 21ST CENTURY』 ACRONYMSUnmanned Aerial Vehicle『【民生品UAVの軍事転用の基本指針と運用具体例】_ロシア軍_2023 : 戦史の探求』
BDABattle Damage Assessment/Bomb Damage Assessment
C2Command & Control
C3Command, Control & Communications
CC Critical Capabilities
CCIRCommander's Critical Information Requirements
CCRPCommand and Control Research Program
CFACCCombined Forces Air Component Command
CFLCCCombined Forces Land Component Command
CIECollaborative Information Environment
CJTF-180Combined Joint Task Force-180
CMOCivil-Military Operations
COACourse of Action
COEContemporary Operating Environment
COGCenter of Gravity
COPCommon Operating Picture
CRCritical Requirements
CVCritical Vulnerabilities
D3ADecide, Detect, Deliver, Assess
DCTSDefense Collaboration Toole Suite
DEBDaily Effects Board
DIMEDiplomatic, Informational, Military, Economic
DODDepartment of Defense
EBAEffects-based Approach
EBOEffects-based Operations
EBPEffects-based Planning
EBTEffects-based Targeting
ECCEffects Coordination Center
ETOEffects Tasking Order
FRAGOFragmentary Order
HPTHigh Payoff Target
HPTLHigh Payoff Target List
HVTHigh Value Target
HVTLHigh Value Target List
IDAInstitute for Defense Analyses
IOInformation Operations
ISRIntelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance
JEWGJoint Effects Working Group
JIACGJoint Interagency Coordination Group
JIPBJoint Intelligence Preparation of the Battlespace
JOAJoint Operations Area
JWACJoint Warfighting Analysis Center
JWFCJoint Warfighting Center
MCCMaritime Component Commander
MN3Multinational Experiment 3
MOEMesures of Effectiveness
MOPMeasures of Performance
MSCMajor Subordinate Command
nKPANorth Korean People’s Army
OEFOperation Enduring Freedom
OIFOperation Iraqi Freedom
ONAOperational Net Assessment
OODAObserve, Orient, Decide, Act Loop
OSCOperational Strategic Command
PAPublic Affairs
PMESIIPlitical, Military, Economic, Social, Infrastructure, Information
RDORapid Decisive Operations
SAMSurface to Air Missile
SJFHQStanding Joint Force Headquarters
SOCSector Operations Centers
SOFSpecial Operating Forces
SoSASystem of Systems Analysis
SPODSea Points of Debarkation
TPFDDTime-Phased Force and Deployment
TSCPTheater Security Cooperation Plan
UAVUnmanned Aerial Vehicle
USCENTCOMUnited States Joint Forces Command
USSOCOMUnited States Special Operations Command