


2024/9/30 19:36:00

DuckDB supports the dot syntax for function chaining. This allows the function call fn(arg1, arg2, arg3, ...) to be rewritten as arg1.fn(arg2, arg3, ...). For example, take the following use of the replace function:

SELECT replace(goose_name, 'goose', 'duck') AS duck_name
FROM unnest(['African goose', 'Faroese goose', 'Hungarian goose', 'Pomeranian goose']) breed(goose_name);

This can be rewritten as follows:

SELECT goose_name.replace('goose', 'duck') AS duck_name
FROM unnest(['African goose', 'Faroese goose', 'Hungarian goose', 'Pomeranian goose']) breed(goose_name);

Uniform Function Call Syntaxだ!!