2021/8/27 17:02:00
『How Do Committees Invent?』『The Self-Organizing Economy』『Why is a knowledge management system crucial for your employees?』『Creating an end-to-end search experience with autocomplete and instant search results』『Build a React app with fast indexing and instant inventory updates』『Unlock Organizational Knowledge with Searchable Company-wide Data』『Special Feature: Knowledge Creation Design Methodology for Service Innovation』『Complex landscapes of spatial interaction』読みたい本Amazon Explore Is Giving Prime Members a Free Virtual Trip — Here’s How to Book Yours『Making Sense of Corporate Venture Capital』『バリュー・プロポジション・デザイン』あれ『CORECURSIVE #066 The Untold Story of SQLite With Richard Hipp』『Apple, Its Control Over the iPhone, and The Internet』『As Fashion Brands, Facebook Look to the Metaverse, What Does the Term Really Mean?』本を読みたい「wikiでページのURLをIDにすると絶対にうまくいかない」Offline Reinforcement Learning with Implicit Q-Learning『MQTT vs DDS in IoT | Difference between MQTT and DDS』『ROS Robot Programming』AI has become a design problem河崎 陽一「今Serverlessが面白いわけ v19.09」(SlideShare)。2019-09-19『複式簿記』Q Ethan McCallum:著,磯 蘭水:監訳,笹井 崇司:訳『バッドデータハンドブック』(O’Reilly)。2013-09『WhatIsaBliki』JSTQBシラバス
Q Ethan McCallum:著,磯 蘭水:監訳,笹井 崇司:訳『バッドデータハンドブック』(O’Reilly)。2013-09
2023/10/10 10:02:00
- ix
- エンジアリング→エンジニアリング
- (奥付)「監訳者紹介」
- 興味深々→興味津々
『Why is a knowledge management system crucial for your employees?』
2023/4/29 15:11:00
『Build a React app with fast indexing and instant inventory updates』
2023/4/29 15:09:00
『Unlock Organizational Knowledge with Searchable Company-wide Data』
2023/4/29 15:08:00
河崎 陽一「今Serverlessが面白いわけ v19.09」(SlideShare)。2019-09-19
2023/1/28 19:47:00
『Complex landscapes of spatial interaction』
2022/11/14 21:02:00
『The Self-Organizing Economy』
2022/11/14 19:34:00
『Making Sense of Corporate Venture Capital』
2022/9/26 9:06:00
2022/5/12 15:26:00
『CORECURSIVE #066 The Untold Story of SQLite With Richard Hipp』
2022/5/7 7:09:00
2022/5/7 7:07:00
『How Do Committees Invent?』
2022/3/2 12:36:00
Offline Reinforcement Learning with Implicit Q-Learning
2021/12/8 11:11:00
『MQTT vs DDS in IoT | Difference between MQTT and DDS』
2021/11/11 16:53:00
『ROS Robot Programming』
2021/11/11 16:42:00
2021/9/4 15:50:00
『Apple, Its Control Over the iPhone, and The Internet』
2021/8/27 20:25:00